Knowledge! Decent Machinery Introduces New Vehicle-Mounted Fog Cannon

Decent Machinery is excited to announce the launch of the latest addition to its product line – the vehicle-mounted fog cannon. This innovative machine can atomize tap water into water mist with a size range of 50-200 microns, and then spray high water mist.
The vehicle-mounted fog cannon is specifically designed for use in a variety of environments including urban areas plagued by smog, construction sites, municipal roads, coal yards, power plants, and other industrial and mining sites where large amounts of dust are present.
One of the key features of the vehicle-mounted fog cannon is its ability to effectively blend initial dust particles with water mist, forming particle clusters that rapidly sink to the ground due to their gravity.
Overall, the vehicle-mounted fog cannon from Decent Machinery is a powerful and efficient solution for controlling dust. Contact Decent Machinery today to learn more about how this innovative machine can benefit your operations.

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