Knowledge! Can Fog Cannons Be the Future of Dust Control in Construction Projects?

In the pile foundation and main works of the Jiazitang Jinhong Building, the fog cannon provided by DECENT Machinery played a vital role, greatly improving the efficiency of dust control at the project site.

At the project site, three dust-proof fog cannons were deployed, each with an effective range of 30 meters to 50 meters. These fog cannons have high power and wide coverage, enabling precisely controlled sprays to suppress dust efficiently and quickly.

In addition, the flexible maneuverability of the fog cannon is another popular feature. It can be installed on a fixed platform or on a mobile vehicle with a diesel generator set to adapt to different working scenarios.

Through remote control and manual control systems, operators can adjust the spray angle and intensity at any time to ensure all-around dust control without blind spots.

This cooperation successfully demonstrated the efficiency and adaptability of fog cannons in dust reduction and environmental management.

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