Knowledge! Polyurethane compound air duct

Product selection points

1. Polyurethane bubble plastic plate composite duct selection The main control parameters are combined, thermal conductivity, thermal insulation material density, plate thickness, and surface layer material, etc.

2. The ventilation and air regulating system’s duct should adopt a rectangular cross section with a round or long and short -border ratio. Its maximum length and short -edge ratio should not exceed 10.

3. Polyurethane foam plastic plate composite ducts should be non -combustible materials.

4. The ventilation and air -regulating system’s ducts should be used for non -combustible materials. Except for the following situations:

a) The duct and flexible joint of contacting the corrosive media can be used for difficult materials;

b) Gymnasis, exhibition halls, waiting (cars, ships) buildings (halls) and other large space buildings, office buildings and B, Ding, and Wuyan factories in high -rise civil buildings When the fireproof partition is set and a smoke -proof fire prevention valve is set, the burning material can be used with less toxicity and the level of smoke density level ≤

5. Should not transport corrosive media.

6. Manufacturers should provide air duct resistance coefficients in order to calculate resistance loss.

Construction and installation points

1. The installation of the air duct must comply with the following regulations:

a) The splicing of the composite panel blasting plate should be glued with a 45 ° angle or the “H” -shaped solid strip. The adhesive should be used for non -combustible materials. When the side length of the air duct ≤1600mm, it is advisable to adhere directly to the 45 ° corner slot mouth and paste the aluminum foil tape on both sides of the bonding seam; when the edge length> 1600mm, the “H” -shaped PVC or aluminum alloy reinforcement should be adopted. The strip is stitched at the 90 ° angle groove.

b) Other pipelines are strictly prohibited in the air duct;

2. Delivery air temperature is higher than 80 ° C. Protective measures shall be taken in accordance with the design regulations.

3. After the air duct system is installed, strict inspection should be performed in accordance with the system category. The amount of air leakage shall comply with the provisions of the GB50243-2002 “Code for the Construction Quality Acceptance of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering Construction”.

Execution standard

1. Product standard

Product Standards

JGJ141-2004 “Technical Regulations for ventilation pipelines”

GB8624 “Method of Burning Performance Materials”

2. Engineering standards

GB50016-2006 “Code for Fire Prevention of Architectural Design”

GB50046-95 “Fire Fire Standards for High-level Civil Architecture Design”


GB50243-2002 “Code for the Construction Quality Acceptance of ventilation and air-conditioning engineering construction”

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